Thursday, October 27, 2011

My Two Cents

So I know I am somewhat sporadic with both my blog entries and releasing products and I just KNOW if I had 12 more hours each day I would have amazing creations coming out of my ears, but alas, there are only 24 and I need about 6 of them for sleep (ideally 10 for sleep...and yes I believe in Santa, The Tooth Fairy AND The Easter Bunny).

Anyways, that's not what I wanted to talk (write? blog?) about.

It seems there is always alot of negativity floating around Facebook regarding the copying of ideas and in some cases, in my opinion, the dumbest copyrighting manoeuvres I have ever seen.

It saddens me that this kind of pettiness occurs so openly between, what I can only assume, are grown women. There are really NO new ideas anymore, just interpretations or modifications of things already out there. I don't think anyone can honestly say that an idea is 100% theirs.

Take me for example. I make bags, that's my thing. I started with the Simple Satchel which basically involved myself, as a very novice sewer, analyzing a bag I had at home that I really liked and working out how the poke to make it myself. Then I made the everyday bag. I can proudly say that that was mine. I drew the design and I worked it all out. Myself. No pattern, no bag to copy. Still NOT original though. It's not like it's the first messenger bag to hit the market. I can only hope that my little spin on it makes it appealing to people on some level.

I'd like to think if anyone was approached to make a bag similar to mine, and they knew me, that they would talk to me first. I'm happy to share what I do, in fact I'd be flattered. I'd also hope if someone felt I had "copied" them they'd approach me in a discreet and professional manor instead of ripping me apart via wall postings or status updates.

You should never let your ego get in the way of a good product. I only strive to do the best I can to put my spin on those not so original ideas I have in a way that when you see them you think "Wow, That's a Feralique bag".


Point of interest....My top 5 Inventions/Discoveries (in no particular order)

1. Penicillin
2. Mechanical Heart Valve
3. Electricity
4. The Dishwasher
5. The Aglet (Go forth and Google)

1 comment:

Jelly Bean Books said...

An aglet is a wonderful thing :) ~ Christine xx

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