Monday, May 2, 2011
When Love and Hate Collide
That is of course until it isn't.
Take last night for example. I sit down to finally stitch up a long awaited order and brrrrrrrrffffffffffffft.
The coin purse: No drama's. All good there. Very happy with it.
Phase two of the project and it all goes to crap. My machine, a trusty little singer decides it's been possessed by either some form of demonic force or my two and a half year old and simply REFUSES to co-operate.
It's tension goes funny. Too tense, then too relaxed, back to tense. What does it need a friggin massage?? I play with it's nobs and give it a clean, check the bobbin, but there is no pleasing the bugger. Nothing is good enough.
Right as I reach that critical moment when I realise there's no flyscreen on my sewing room window at the moment and throwing it out into my front yard is becoming more and more appealing with every "ng-ng-ng-ng-ng-ng" noise the needle makes I decide, instead, to say several things that shouldn't be repeated (just in case there are kiddies next to you) and walk away.
It will not beat me. I will go back in there and I will win. You have not seen the last of me Singer!!!
But not tonight, it's cold.....and I'm tired.....and the house is quiet.....and you seem to have a spooky red glow about you.....
I'll win tomorrow.
- Kim said...
best of luck, sleep well (mind you when I have a sewing issue, my sleep is disturbed by how it can be fixed, and yes it can). Here are some ideas (which you have done, helps to re do, tomorrow, give it another clean, use a hair dyer to blow any dust out, put a new needle in, check that the threads are wind on the bobbin nicely (I will admit, sometimes the bobbin thread isn't wind around right, even the treading from the top to the needle (I have done this where I have missed a one of the threading parts, which will make the sewing thread go crazy). Best of luck, take your time, I do hope it is something so easy, that you can say that if it happens again, you will know what to do.
May 2, 2011 at 9:32 PM
- Jelly Bean Books said...
I may not have a sewing machine to argue with, but I rely on my PC & printer to make my books... not always a happy relationship! Fingers crossed, new PC & new printer just installed :)
Best of luck with taming the tiger!
~ Christine xx -
May 3, 2011 at 9:17 PM