SO, It's 7.30 at night and everyone else in my house is asleep. I decide to watch random videos on You Tube (as you do).
I then stumble across this video......10 Reasons To Smile. Watch it. It's 6 minutes of your life. Look away from the teev, log off Facebook, stop Tweeting, don't Pin anything, for 6 minutes, just watch this video.
I am not this brave most days and I am 32 years old. He is 17 and wise far beyond his years.
So, this teenager, from the other side of the world, has really made me realise I have an amazing life. I definitely can find 10 reasons to smile everyday. Here's my ten, in no particular order.
1. Amazing friends
2. My Two Beautiful Girls
3. My Husbanian
4. My Workmates
5. Music
6. Silence
7. Time to Myself
8. Sewing
9. A Good Coffee
10. Fresh Air
I know a couple of these seem like little things, but I think, if you can't enjoy those little things....well, you really have nothing.